Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Red String


“An invisible red thread connects those who are 
destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. 
The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break” 
- an ancient Chinese belief.

Sunday, May 15, 2011



Look at those colorful yummy-licious macarons ! I bet that if you ever have a chance to taste it, you would definitely return for more. 
Almond paste is the principal ingredient for making macaroon (in English) or macaron (in French) which is derived from an Italian word 'maccarone' or 'maccherone'. 
The filling sandwiched between the cookies are typically buttercream or jam. 

Generally people would get confused over the English word macaroon which can also refer to the coconut macaroon. I guess it is better to use the French word macaron to distinguish between these two items. 

Well yeah they are a little pricey as they cost like RM5 for one macaron for about a size of 50 cent coin. LOL 
Do try them if you have the chance to come across it ! :D

Hands Up High !

For some reason blogger doesn't let me embed this video so yeah this is the link to it. 
So the subbed version is out ! Wohoooo ! Thanks to subbers
Finally I'll be able to understand what are they talking. 
We can see Top complaining on his one and only aired part was just a short sentence for the previous YG On Air episode. 
Awwww you guys can't cut his part his voice is so sexy. HAHAHAH
And what the heck is Top doing with the yellow safety helmet. His dance moves..... Lmaooo 
Oh do check out Bommis's live version of Don't Cry. Freaking awesome, I am gonna dl the video and convert it to mp3. :DDD
Heard that GD's leg/foot injured during the concert. Not sure what happened either. Get well soon ji yong-ssi :)

It Doesn't Matter

There is always a soft spot in my heart for you 
even when you've done wrong, even when you've let me down, 
even when you couldn't care less 


You can't touch this


They are now in Japan for their Love and Hope tour. Mad jealous of JVIPs though.
Oh well, hopefully they would come to Malaysia and 
I could check out my Top in person :D

Charles Charmichael



Need I say more ? Both of them are so freaking gorgeous !
Idk how could this series have low ratings. 
Like seriously Bartowski and Sarah rock so much.
And so does the rest of the guest. 



I bet most of us do this all the time. 
Basically the fridge doesn't contain anything that could 
attract me to consume it but I STILL open it like 3-4 times repeatedly. 
It's already a habit I guess.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Blue blue sky


How nice it would be if my room have this huge slanted window. 
I could lie on the floor and watch the clouds all day.
Or I could count the stars at night, IF they do appear in Malaysia's skies.
Not to say the sky here is pitch black, okay well most of the time it is. 
I hope those stars doesn't keep dropping though.

Do You Wanna B ?

Okay first of all, I don't really pay attention to rookies. 
First look at them and all I think of was gosh young boys. LOL 
I have forgotten which video I clicked into and BAM I like them already. 
I do have a soft spot for boy bands though. 
So yeah after a few videos I am totally hooked. Oh btw they are called Block B. 
And they have a weird name leader/producer called Zico. 
And his hairstyle is something you would constantly stare at.  
No I don't really like him I like B-Bomb, although I am usually attracted to leaders. 
Another weird name you think huh. 
Did I mention their average age is like, I guess 19 years old ? 
Luckily the one I like is 21. Muahahahaha 
Okay I don't want to sound perverted I shall stop here :)


Just ate my dinner but I saw some pictures of Korean food and boom I am hungry. 
I mean not exactly 'hungry', just craving for some Korean stew and their rice cake. 
Well I did went to Daorae last week but I still can't get enough 
of their ddukboggi (Korean rice cake) though. 
The chewiness is so addicting, I can chew this all day. 

can't really spot them but it is there :D

Okay need to stop. Or I am gonna lick the screen. 
Just kidding. It sound so wrong right. 


This should be a normal introduction post 
but thanks to blogger they did not restore my whole blog.
And I've forgotten what I type the other day. 
Oh well, hello peeps. 
Hope you don't get too bored reading or scrolling 
or you can just leave if you totally dislike this blog :)